Rodney Johnson's Blog
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Hi, my name is Rodney Johnson. I am an educator from South Africa. I've always been interested in making money, selling things and marketing, so I guess you can safely say I'm an entrepreneur at heart.
About 10 year ago I started looking at the internet and digital marketing to create additional streams of income. Over the years the research, reading and online skills I learnt and the additional income i earned online, has impacted my life, my career and the lifestyle of my family positively.
Today it is my mission to share and mentor individuals who are looking to create additiopnal streams of income for themselves using the internet and online affiliate marketing. Feel free to stop by this blog often.
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January 14, 2022
If your profile posts aren’t getting several hundred likes each, listen up.
There are some things you’re doing wrong that can easily be corrected to massively improve the reach of your content.
Why do you want likes? Because more likes just means that more people saw your post. If you’re creating content as part of your marketing strategy, you want to get as many eyeballs on it as possible. The only way to measure that is through likes and comments. So here are some things you may be doing wrong.
Stop posting “spam” engagement.
In other words, stop liking or commenting on long posts without clicking the “see more” button and spending an appropriate amount of time on the post. Facebook can tell exactly how much time you spend on a post before you engage on it, and if you engage before you could have possibly read the whole post, Facebook views that as spam and will decrease the reach of your posts. Stop making posts without warming up the algorithm first.
If you want your posts to be shown to more of your friends, you need to warm up the algorithm right before posting by spending at least 30 minutes hitting the love heart and commenting on all the posts in your news feed. This tells the algorithm to show your post to the people you engaged with. If they start to like your post, the algorithm will show it to even more people. That’s how you get more reach and engagement! Stop posting links.
Whenever you post a link, and whenever you use the “share” feature to share someone else's posts, Facebook will automatically reduce the reach of that post to almost nothing. So always post original content instead of sharing, and never ever include any type of links in your posts. Stop posting pointless content.
When you’re writing content, you need to be conscious of what your audience will find valuable. Just posting random pictures of your dinner or your pets, or talking about the weather, or just writing “good morning” every single day does absolutely nothing for you. Instead create content following the RVL formula: Results, Value, Lifestyle. Focus on the value. Write about stuff that your ideal customer would actually be interested in. It works wonders, trust me.
When posting on Facebook, most network marketers know nothing better than to spam Facebook groups. They actually joined these groups earlier for the sole purpose of plastering their links and posts about their opportunity.
Network marketers should learn that people are immune to these so-called adverts. Nobody even looks at them anymore. Taking hours to posts your opportunity link on hundreds of groups not only wastes your valuable time but it also puts you at risk of ending up in Facebook jail.
Yes, for those who don’t know there is a place like Facebook jail. I’ve been there twice in the days before I learned better. Now that I know better, I do better and get better results from my Facebook marketing efforts.
One of the best things you can do is to stop doing what everyone else is doing. When everyone else is posting their opportunity links which none ever clicks in any case, you should focus on building your brand and building trust.
Post positive posts that inspire people and drive traffic back to your Facebook page or your blog.
Be the person others want to associate with. Be a value adder, yes add value to people’s lives by posting and sharing information that help other people whether in their personal lives or in their business life.
This is the essence of attraction marketing. This will cause people to seek you out and contact you instead of you spamming everyone and chasing after prospects. You rather want prospects to view you as a valuable source of information and seek you out. This is what attraction marketing is all about. It’s about you becoming the hunted instead of you being the hunter. Believe me in network marketing that’s the best way to have it.
Follow the 80:20 rule....80% of your posts should be educational, uplifting, funny and about the dream lifestyle that MLM offers.
Only 20% of your posts should be about your offer, business opportunity or your products.
Feel free however to post testimonials of ordinary people who experienced the benefits of the products. Be careful, however not to come across as salesy.
It’s also a good idea to post congratulatory messages and images when some of your team members have reached an achievement or even a welcome image or post welcoming your new members to the team. These posts will pique interest and sooner than later, people will start to ask you what you’re busy with. This is the time when you take them to face book messenger where you start a conversation and relationship building phase with your new prospect. It is in the FB messenger where you will eventually introduce your prospect to your opportunity. Now let’s talk about Facebook posts...I found that Facebook does not like it when we add a link to our posts. Especially if the link points to websites outside of FB.The FB algorithm is set to favor the following in terms of priority and in terms of the amount of your followers who will actually see the post. Below find the list –albeit in broad terms the ranking from high to low...The higher the rank, the more of your followers will see the post.1 video posts2 image posts3 text posts4 posts with external links. So the moral of the story is that Facebook marketers should avoid putting any links in their posts.What I do is to make my post and then request people to comment in thecomment section if they want more info.. This does two things:1. Gets more engagement for your post, because when someone comments on your post, then their friends also see your post.2 Gives you an opportunity to start chatting to them in the Facebookmessenger.
You can then use this building of relationship which leads to building of trust to introduce them to your opportunity... But only when they ask for the link and for more information.
Ask yourself this question: “How big will your downline be if you got permission from the local mall to set up a permanent booth right in the middle of the busiest part of the mall? From here you would be able to freely engage with the shoppers and be able to promote your business. Your business and downline would grow because you would never run out of people to speak to. Do you realize that with Facebook you actually have that opportunity? Facebook has over one billion members that share their occupation, hobbies, friends and daily activities on their Facebook profiles. Network marketers don’t realize what a huge opportunity this is to build their business big and for the long term. Facebook prospecting should be part of your prospecting routine as it is a place where you can get free leads. However please realize that Facebook is a place where people come tosocialize and unfortunately it is also a place where amateur network marketers do regular target practicing with their spam attacks. Placing unsolicited adverts and business opportunity links into your Facebook news feed makes you look just like all the other amateur MLM spammers. You need to have a different approach. Fortunately it is a very easy and friendly approach. Step 1: Stop placing blatant adverts for your MLM opportunity. Instead place “Lifestyle pics” and “Congratulation” Posts into your news feed. These types of posts will make people curious and they will sooner or later ask you what you do. The big difference is that people are more open to your opportunity if they ask you about it instead of you trying to sell your opportunity to them. So what are “lifestyle pics”? It is those type of pictures that show you and your family doing the things that everyone else is hoping to do. Like dining at a restaurant, having family fun on the beach, going away for a weekend, posing with your new set of golf clubs, taking a train trip to somewhere etc...I think you get the idea. “Congratulations” posts are very powerful to create curiosity. This is where you post a picture that says” Congratulations or Well Done! to celebrate your downlines achievements. When someone new joins your team, make the welcome public on Facebook. Sooner or later the others will want to know what this is all about.
It’s also a good idea to post congratulatory messages and images when some of your team members have reached an achievement or even a welcome image or post welcoming your new members to the team. These posts will pique interest and sooner than later, people will start to ask you what you’re busy with. This is the time when you take them to face book messenger where you start a conversation and relationship building phase with your new prospect. It is in the FB messenger where you will eventually introduce your prospect to your opportunity. Now let’s talk about Facebook posts...I found that Facebook does not like it when we add a link to our posts. Especially if the link points to websites outside of FB.The FB algorithm is set to favor the following in terms of priority and in terms of the amount of your followers who will actually see the post. Below find the list –albeit in broad terms the ranking from high to low...The higher the rank, the more of your followers will see the post.1 video posts2 image posts3 text posts4 posts with external links. So the moral of the story is that Facebook marketers should avoid putting any links in their posts.What I do is to make my post and then request people to comment in thecomment section if they want more info.. This does two things:1. Gets more engagement for your post, because when someone comments on your post, then their friends also see your post.2 Gives you an opportunity to start chatting to them in the Facebookmessenger.
You can then use this building of relationship which leads to building of trust to introduce them to your opportunity... But only when they ask for the link and for more information.
Ask yourself this question: “How big will your downline be if you got permission from the local mall to set up a permanent booth right in the middle of the busiest part of the mall? From here you would be able to freely engage with the shoppers and be able to promote your business. Your business and downline would grow because you would never run out of people to speak to. Do you realize that with Facebook you actually have that opportunity? Facebook has over one billion members that share their occupation, hobbies, friends and daily activities on their Facebook profiles. Network marketers don’t realize what a huge opportunity this is to build their business big and for the long term. Facebook prospecting should be part of your prospecting routine as it is a place where you can get free leads. However please realize that Facebook is a place where people come tosocialize and unfortunately it is also a place where amateur network marketers do regular target practicing with their spam attacks. Placing unsolicited adverts and business opportunity links into your Facebook news feed makes you look just like all the other amateur MLM spammers. You need to have a different approach. Fortunately it is a very easy and friendly approach. Step 1: Stop placing blatant adverts for your MLM opportunity. Instead place “Lifestyle pics” and “Congratulation” Posts into your news feed. These types of posts will make people curious and they will sooner or later ask you what you do. The big difference is that people are more open to your opportunity if they ask you about it instead of you trying to sell your opportunity to them. So what are “lifestyle pics”? It is those type of pictures that show you and your family doing the things that everyone else is hoping to do. Like dining at a restaurant, having family fun on the beach, going away for a weekend, posing with your new set of golf clubs, taking a train trip to somewhere etc...I think you get the idea. “Congratulations” posts are very powerful to create curiosity. This is where you post a picture that says” Congratulations or Well Done! to celebrate your downlines achievements. When someone new joins your team, make the welcome public on Facebook. Sooner or later the others will want to know what this is all about.
I teach ordinary people how to get started online.
Blog Posts:
Stop Doing These Four Things If You Want Free Facebook Traffic
Facebook Prospecting For Network Marketers